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The team at Lexic Minds had the privilege of interviewing Jennifer Bierbauer, an advocate and professional with ADHD and autism. In a world where neurodivergence is often misunderstood, Jennifer’s experiences and practical advice stand out as a testament to resilience and adaptability. Her journey through personal and professional challenges offers a sense of solidarity and […]

The team of Lexic Minds had the honor to interview PhD. Simon Lappi. In a world where traditional education and workplace environments often overlook neurodiversity, PhD. Simon Lappi stands out with his perseverance and success to over any dyslexia challenges.  In Simon’s words, with these insights and sessions, he aspires to help others with dyslexia […]

Welcome to the guide 10 Ways to Support Dyslexic Employees. ℹ️ In case you are not familiar with the term Dyslexia, it is a condition that affects how people process language, making reading, writing, and spelling more difficult.  It is vital to remember that dyslexic brains have some pretty impressive superpowers. They have a creative […]

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that impacts how a person processes language, making reading, writing, and spelling more difficult. While letters and words may get scrambled up, dyslexic brains are busy forging innovative cognitive strengths that are nothing short of superpowers. Read 12 reasons why dyslexic thinkers are great employees in this entry.  The reality […]

10 AI Tools for Dyslexia at Work The modern workplace can problematize for Dyslexic hustlers without the best help: docs to decipher, emails to untangle, meetings to transcribe. Listen. What if you had a whole AI staff at your hand? Goodbye frustrations, and hello sci-fi super tricks! Here are 10 AI premium tools for Dyslexia […]

Dyslexia is a different way the brain processes language and information. It is a unique neurocognitive attribute with strengths like innovative thinking, problem-solving,