
From High School to College with Dyslexia

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Welcome, Lexic Minds Community!

In this edition, you will find the following resourceful topics:

  • Blog of the week: From High School to College with Dyslexia

  • Lexic Minds Podcast: Dyslexia in Life and Work: Strategies and Success Stories. Feat. PhD Simon Lappi.

  • Poll: Which famous inventor is believed to have had dyslexia?

  • Tools & Tips: Natural Reader

  • Featured Videos:

    • For Professionals: #MadeByDyslexia: How to not give up

    • For Parents: How I teach kids with dyslexia to read

  • Podcast: A Mother on Dyslexia and ADHD: Diagnosis and Advocacy

From High School to College with Dyslexia

Why read me: 

This guide is essential for parents like you guiding your child’s transition from high school to college, especially those with Dyslexia or other disabilities. It provides valuable insights into the legal changes, practical steps, and strategies needed to ensure a soft transition and continued support for your child’s education.

Tip Box:

Encourage your child to practice discussing their accommodations with teachers. Role-play different scenarios and provide feedback to help them gain confidence. This preparation can make a significant difference in their ability to self-advocate effectively in college.

Dyslexia in Life and Work: Strategies and Success Stories. Feat. PhD. Simon Lappi.

In the second episode of the Lexic Minds podcast, PhD. Simon Lappi guides us through how he has successfully accomplished an academic career, the techniques and tools he has used for Dyslexia, tips for speaking in public, and his best advice to succeed using Dyslexia’s strengths.

Simon shares his personal journey through higher education, the challenges of diagnosis and school 40 years ago, and the importance of persistence and adaptability in the workplace. Together, we discuss the corporate world and how it was to discover his unique strengths in problem-solving and public speaking.

This inspiring story provides hope and guidance for neurodiverse professionals and students. Join us to learn how to empower neurodiverse individuals to embrace their brilliance in academic and professional settings.

Every week, we will bring you inspiring stories and valuable insights from individuals in the world of Dyslexia and ADHD.

Session Highlights

On dyslexia and getting an advanced degree: At some point, I basically said: ‘The end goal is this. I’m going to try to get as far as I can get. I’ll get to that along the way.’ My terminal degree is in the field of chemistry, but it’s the third degree attempt. It took me three tries to get to that end goal, so perseverance is one of the efforts that one needs to bring to the table.

On using tools for dyslexia: Natural Reader is an excellent one. And then, I have any of the apps that are social audio. AutoBooks, Audible, Gutenberg. Libby library, Libby box are all apps that I’ve used that read books to me.

On tips for public speaking with dyslexia: I found that if I can get you to laugh, you’re going to remember my talk. You will remember a key point, so when I know that there’s something I really want the audience to grasp I’ll set it up as a joke .”

On looking back on the challenges and triumphs: I’m really proud of where I’ve gotten to, and I think every dyslexic should be no matter where it is. No matter where you are, be proud that you achieved what you’ve achieved so far because it’s quite a lot.”

Check out the full session on YouTube! We cover everything from navigating graduate school with dyslexia to using AI and text-to-speech tools in the workplace, strategies for public speaking, and ways to leverage dyslexic thinking in scientific fields. Tune in and get all the insights!

Together, we can encourage each other to succeed using our unique strengths.

Weekly Poll

Tools and Tips

Natural Reader

This recommended tool by Simon, our special invitee, converts text, PDF, and more than 20 formats into spoken audio. Amazing, right? You can listen to your materials anytime, anywhere.


  • Choose your favorite voice: Variety of voices AND languages.

  • Use any platform: It is accessible in many platforms and formats, including ePubs!


  • Accessibility: You can get it by $99.50. Free version is limited.

Featured Videos

For Parents
How I teach kids with dyslexia to read

For Professionals
#MadeByDyslexia: How to not give up


Meme of the Week

Instagram post by @lexicminds

That’s all for this week. See more on our website and follow us on social media.

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