
Being different is your brilliance!

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The team at Lexic Minds had the privilege of interviewing Jennifer Bierbauer, an advocate and professional with ADHD and autism. In a world where neurodivergence is often misunderstood, Jennifer’s experiences and practical advice stand out as a testament to resilience and adaptability. Her journey through personal and professional challenges offers a sense of solidarity and […]

The team of Lexic Minds had the honor to interview PhD. Simon Lappi. In a world where traditional education and workplace environments often overlook neurodiversity, PhD. Simon Lappi stands out with his perseverance and success to over any dyslexia challenges.  In Simon’s words, with these insights and sessions, he aspires to help others with dyslexia […]

  In our latest spotlight session, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Christine, an outstanding mother and passionate dyslexia community builder. We were honored by her incredible words and ease of sharing ideas and parental advice when guiding their unique thinkers.    Christine’s story is one of love, care, resilience, determination, and community. […]

Introduction Dyslexia is often perceived as a hurdle, but for many, it is a unique lens through which they view the world, shaping their journey in extraordinary ways. Among those who have used their Dyslexia to achieve greatness are six remarkable Olympians.   These athletes have reached the peak of their sports and overcome the […]

When children are young, Dyslexia and attention deficits or hyperactivity can look similar. A child who is struggling with learning may have trouble paying attention, avoid work, be restless, and even be defiant when asked to do a task that is difficult for them. For some kids, these challenging behaviors go away when they get […]

The transition from high school to college is as much for parents as for high schoolers. For parents of kids with disabilities, including dyslexia, this transition is about more than packing twin sheets and reviewing class choices. It’s about watching your child advocate for themselves and navigating the next phase in their education, but this […]

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Contrary to popular belief is not simply the vrandom text.

Linguix AI tool

AI grammar checker and text rephraser

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